Cambiando Vidas Chacala in Mexico

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Why should YOU consider DONATING?

…Because we all want to give in a way that’s real and direct – we can connect you with a student

…Because life is unfair and Mexico, while struggling with drug cartels and tax collection, is not putting emphasis on rural education

…Because our students teach us that wealth is not synonymous with happiness

…Because we teach them that dreams, hard work and dedication can provide you with an education

…Because it’s undisputed that education assists everyone in seeing a larger world

…Because we need to raise $48,000 each year to keep 33 kids in school

…Because we need to keep the learning center open, staffed, equipped with computers and books;  and connected to the larger world with internet access.

…Because family life can be hard in a small community.

…Because change is inevitable but manageable

…Because of these faces and these facts……

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** CAMBIANDO VIDAS is a charitable organization with
United States Internal Revenue Service
501 (c) 3 tax -exempt status, EIN 73-1668982.

**Cambiando Vidas es una organización de caridad, con United Internal Revenue Service 501(c) con el estatus EIN 73-1668982 de exención de impuestos.