Cambiando Vidas Chacala in Mexico


There are so many ways our students are supported by families, volunteers, gifts of time and labor, that we scarcely know how to say thank you often and humbly enough. Financial support is but one of the many welcome ways, and yet very critical.

Presidents Circle

For an annual gift of $1,000 or more. Our sponsors who annually support one or more students & also contribute towards the ongoing expenses of the Learning Center and Program.

Directors Circle

Those giving $800 to $999. This “Deluxe Sponsorship" covers the basic $750 cost plus a little extra to cover some contingencies.

Scholars Circle

Those who support one student’s basic annual costs. Our Student sponsors who donate $600 to $799 each year towards one student’s education.

Partners Circle

Our sponsors who combine their giving with others to support one full student scholarship. Those giving $350 to $599

Angels Circle

We are blessed and humbled by all our other supporters who value the importance of education, support and a place to study. Those Giving up to  $349