Cambiando Vidas Chacala in Mexico

How We Work

April 28, 2010 by · Leave a Comment 

  In Chacala Mexico

students are continually lined up on our waiting list, some for more than a year.  They pledge their willingness to participate faithfully with the CV Community Service Program, to work & study hard, attend all learning and project events, to share their strengths and seek assistance when they need help. Those who fail to devote themselves are carefully investigated and offered appropriate help. Those who persist in substandard effort are let go. Parents are required to develop as much equity in their student’s progress as they can. This means their supporting association, their own fund raisers, encouragement, in many cases relief from family business demands, and above all … equality and fairness among themselves. A student must begin CV in “Secondari” grades to qualify for support through High School and beyond.